
07/02/2024 -  Firecracker Ride 2024 - It's HOT!

Thank you for riding the Firecracker Ride 2024! The forecast is for a hot and humid day (which is pretty typical around here for the Fourth of July) so please remember to hydrate beforehand. Some things to consider:
  • Hydrate hydrate hydrate!  Before, during and after the ride.
  • You can choose to ride a shorter distance to minimize time in the heat.
  • We have SAG vehicles, HAM support vehicles as well as ride sweeps on the course to assist you. If you need help, flag them down.
  • Feel free to spend a few extra minutes in the shade of the rest stops.
  • Rest stops will have both water and Skratch, a hydration mix that replaces the electrolytes lost in sweat.
  • Have your cell phone handy in case you need it. Call 911 for emergencies. You can also contact ride support at (785) 550-6550.
  • Apply sunscreen.
  • You can start riding earlier than the official 8AM start time if you want but keep in mind:
    • The SAG and police support does not start until 8AM and the rest stops will open based on the 8AM start time. This means you might have to purchase water, etc. from store stops along the way. 
    • If you are riding the 100K: The front group that starts at 8AM will be quite large (50-80 riders) and moving Very Fast!
      For Safety: When you see them approaching your group please ride single file and close to the right edge of the road.
      This will allow them to more safely fit between you and the yellow line / oncoming traffic.
See you on the Fourth!
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